Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Practical Journalism Training

Magazine's SNEIKA School Junior High School 1 Kaliwungu Kendal, on Sunday on February 28, 2010 Practical Journalism Training held with the theme "Being a journalist is Easy! Want?.

The event which took place at the Multipurpose Building the school's attention was large enough, as evidenced by the large number of participants who followed these activities. Not only the participants who came from Teachers and Students Kaliwungu 1 Junior High School, also joined the participants some SMP / MTs in Kendal District.

According to information from the Chairman of the Committee Mr. Mokhamad Soleh, journalism training activity aims to:

1. Introduce to the students about the ins and outs of journalism.

2. Cultivate the intelligence and creativity of students through a journalistic tradition.

3. Improving Student skills and abilities in managing the print media.

Acting as an instructor in the training, the committee presents two journalist sources namely: Slamet Priyatin or more well known with the call that is Mas Priyo Cempaka tabloid journalists and media print El Shinta Jakarta, as well as Dennis Kang Alimin Seputar Indonesia Daily reporter (SINDO) Jakarta.

Present also in the opening of training opportunities, Kasi Dikpora SMP Kendal District, Mr. Agus Chrismoro, M. Pd S. Pd, a pleasure to give speeches and directives as well as officially opening training. In his speech, he advised, the knowledge gained in this activity can be utilized with the best that can eventually be applied in their respective schools. This activity is an activity for the first time a junior high school level journalism training in Kendal District. "For the first time, journalism training activities held at the junior level in the Kendal district," he said in his speech. It was during this new journalistic training activities conducted at the senior secondary level, for that which He conveyed his appreciation to the highest Kaliwungu 1 Junior High School, and hopes that there are similar events held at other schools.

The activity was berlagsung journalistic training in three sessions, respectively: the delivery of material by two speakers, followed by dialogue sessions with the theme "Being a journalist is Easy! Want?, And the last session is the practice of writing news. The material can be delivered by guest speaker You Download here!

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